Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My Favorite Place has Snowflakes, Skiing, and Smiles for Days

Colorado is one of my favorite places. It is such a wonderful place to interact with nature, and just relax. I truly loved being up in the snowy mountains - skiing is an absolute blast.

Last spring break I went skiing with my family. My dad and I didn't know what to think of those boots at first!
My father and I taking our first skiing lessons. Photo taken by Jennifer Bookout.

Hiking in the mountains led to some spectacular views.
Just one of the many amazing sights I was able to capture.
As you can see, Colorado is home to snowflakes, skiing, and smiles for days. It's a no-brainer that it is one of my favorite places! 
The Colorado Front Range by Zach Dischner

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous set of pictures, Morgan: your photo is picture-postcard perfect — beautiful! Of course, it is making me cold just looking at the snow. I'm more of a warm weather person, but I love the mountains too. Thanks again for getting started early, and you are ready to keep on blogging with images and links! Super!
