Saturday, February 27, 2016

Growth Mindset: Self-Directed Learning

When browsing the Growth Mindset links, I came across an article called "Three Questions to Thrive as a Self-Directed Learner" (read it here). I figured this would be a good read because I am always looking for different approaches to learning (also, what's better than three simple questions?).

Question 1: What do you know? What do you not know?

The key here is to be self-aware. Understanding what you do/don't know is vital to being able to move forward and learn new things!

Question 2: How do you achieve goals to learn something new?

The next step is to identify how you learn! Maybe you are wanting to learn how to bake a cake - do you choose to follow a YouTube tutorial, go to a cooking class, or maybe just wing it? It doesn't matter which way you choose - as long as it fits your learning style!

Question 3: How do you show what you know? What you can do?

This is probably the part that I struggle with the most - being able to represent/communicate myself and my abilities with the outside world. I think it is so important to not sell yourself short. And while yes, there is such a thing as bragging, no one will get to know how cool you are until you give them a little piece of what makes you, you! I like to take pictures of my quilling and post it on social media - it is a nice way of saying "look at this cool thing I did". It is also important to use your self-learned skills to your advantage on things like resumes - for example, I always like to put my GPS skills on there. I have been making maps with a GPS since I was in junior high. This is a unique, self-learned skill, which is quite useful in many situations.

I think this is a nice breakdown of different steps you should take to learn something new! (Source: Beth Kanter).

1 comment:

  1. Those three questions seem so simple and straightforward and yet they are largely ignored by many people in college including myself. From my understanding the three questions are dealing not only with the challenge of acquiring new knowledge but also in the process of applying said knowledge in a way that makes it both useful and effective during one’s life.
