Monday, February 8, 2016

Growth Mindset: Successful Phrases

This week, I came across an interesting article on Yahoo, where a Stanford professor says that eliminating these two phrases from your vocabulary can actually make you more successful.

This professor, Bernard Roth, makes a link to language and success. Why? Because language - the way you speak - affects how others perceive you and your behavior. If you talk like a successful person, you will approach life with a more successful point of view.

Choose your phrasing for success! Be positive! (Source: geralt)

Successful Phrases?

Swap "but" for "and"

The idea is that using the phrase "but" puts you into a conflict mindset. Roth says that by using and, "your brain gets to consider how it can deal with both parts of the sentence." You might say things like, "I want to hang out with my friends, but I have homework." Instead, you should phrase it as "I want to hang out, AND I have homework." This swap allows you to have the best of both worlds, you just have to multitask/prioritize a bit.

Swap "have to" for "want to"

This phrase swap allows you to realize that the things you do every day are a choice that you have made. You were not forced to attend class, you chose to. You were not forced to do your homework, you chose to. The key point here, is to put a more positive focus on your choices.

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For the rest of this week, I am going to try switching up my phrases and see how it affects me. Maybe I will feel more confident, or maybe this is just some hoop-la. I will let you know in my Famous Last Words post!

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