Friday, February 5, 2016

Week 3: Famous Last Words

I cannot believe the third week of my last semester is already coming to an end! It really feels so surreal. On one hand, I am so excited to be graduation, but on the other hand, I will dearly miss my friends. On the bright side, I will have these last word posts to look back on and remember my semster!

Reading for this week:

For this week, I did a lot of reading for the growth mindset and HEART challenges. I had already finished my assigned reading, so I took advantage of the time and learned some interesting things on how to improve myself! (You can check out my favorite two challenges on my Growth Mindset and Learning Challenge posts!)

Best writing for this week:

For this week, I wrote a story on the battle between Rama and Ravana. I was inspired by how Rama told his chariot driver to go slow, because Ravana's antics will soon exhaust him. It made me think of the Tortoise and Hare tale, where the turtle took him time during the race and WON! I think the mash-up turned out pretty great.

Other classes:

In my Improved Recovery course we are still covering waterfloods. We are learning how to determine the water saturation and velocity of a water front (it is interesting, I promise). Capstone continues to be my favorite - we get to do decline curve analysis on about 50 wells, determine the EUR, and then put a bid price on the field! Production has been pretty boring, and it has been quite the challenge to pay attention in that class. What I plan on doing is printing any old info I have (past tests, homeworks, etc.), bringing that to class, and answering the questions as they come up in class. I think this plan will "force" me to pay attention, and will also help me prepare for the upcoming exam. 

Outside of school:

This week I had the chance to alter a dress (well, hem it). It was a gorgeous floor length formal gown, and it was a tad too long for the young lady who needed to wear it THAT NIGHT! So, I had quite the time crunch, but managed to get it just perfect for her. It sparked an idea that I could do alterations this semester as a "job", instead of getting an actual job. I usually charge about $20 (which is much cheaper than other tailors), and the many of the girls I have talked to thought it was a great idea! It will also allow me to be creative and continue my passion for sewing! 

I was pretty stoked about my pin-cushion wristband! 
Here is my sewing in action

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